I’m sharing my PowerShell learning journey for all to follow along. Some of you might already know this information so this might be a refresher course or you can see how I went about it; for those that are new to PowerShell hopefully these snippets help you along your PowerShell journey as well.

Update help files


How to find a cmdlet that output/convert to html

Get-Command *html* -CommandType Cmdlet

Result= ConvertTo-Html

How to find a cmdlet that can output by either file or printer.

Get-Command *file*,*printer* -CommandType Cmdlet

Result= Out-File or Out-Printer

How to find a cmdlet that you can use to write to event log.

Get-Command *log*,*event*

Result= Write-EventLog

How to find the cmdlets to create, modify, export, or import aliases?

Get-Command *alias*

Results= New-Alias, Set-Alias, Export-Alias, and Import-Alias

Is there a way to keep a transcript of everything you do in the shell?

Get-Command *transcript*

Results= Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript

How can you get only the most recent 100 entries in the Security event log?

Get-Command *event*,*log*

Result= Get-EventLog

Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Newest 100

Is there a way to retrieve a list of services on a remote computer?

Get-Service -ComputerName "Computer02"

Is there a way to find what processes are running on a remote computer?

Get-Service -Computername "Computer02" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}

Width setting for Out-File.

Out-file -Width

Added to a File

Out-File -Append

Get a list of all aliases

Get-Command * -CommandType Alias

shortest command line to get running processes from a computer named server1

gsv -c server1 | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}