Day 4 of learning PowerShell
I’m sharing my PowerShell learning journey for all to follow along. Some of you might already know this information so this might be a refresher course or you can see how I went about it; for those that are new to PowerShell hopefully these snippets help you along your PowerShell journey as well.
Today I just learn just the running of commands. Mostly simple commands, but that is alright!
Display a list of running processes
Display the 100 most recent entries from the Application event log. (Don’t use Get-WinEvent for this).
Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Newest 100
Display a list of all commands that are of the cmdlet type.
Get-Command -Type Cmdlet
Display a list of all aliases
Make a new alias, so you can run np to launch Notepad from Powershell.
New-Alias -Name "np" notepad
Display a list of services that begin with the letter M.
Get-Service "M*"
Display a list of all Windows Firewall rules.
Display a list only of inbound Windows Firewall rules.
Get-NetFirewallRule -Direction Inbound