On day 8 of my PowerShell learning journey, I learned about objects or some might say/think PSObject. Below are some of my takeaway notes. Feel free to use them at your leisure.

My notes

Identify a cmdlet that produces a random number.

Get-Command *random*
help Get-Random -ShowWindow

Identify a cmdlet that displays the current date and time.

Get-Command *time*
Get-Command *date*
help Get-Date -ShowWindow

Use cmdlet above to display on the current day of the week.

Get-Date | gm
Get-Date | Select DayofWeek

Identify a cmdlet that displays information about installed hotfixes on Windows Systems.

Get-Command *fix*
help Get-HotFix -ShowWindow

Using the cmdlet above display a list of installed hotfixes. Then extend the expression to sort the list by installation date, and display only the installation date, the user who installed the hotfix, and the hotfix ID.

Get-HotFix | gm
Get-Hotfix | Sort InstalledOn | Select InstalledOn,InstalledBy,HotFixID

Using the above cmdlet, sort by hotfix description and include the description, the hotfixID, and the installation date. Put results into an HTML file.

Get-HotFix | Sort Description | Select Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File hotfix.html

Display a list of the 50 newest entries from the Security Event log. Sort the list with the oldest entries appearing first, and with entries made at the same time sorted by there index. Display the index, time, and source for each entry. Output to a text file.

Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Newest 50 | Sort Index,TimeGenerated | Select Index,TimeGenerated,Source | out-file events.txt