Last week was a busy week at my employer, so I didn’t get any PowerShell learning, but I’m back at it today.

On day 9 of my PowerShell learning journey, I take more of a deeper look into pipeline. Below are some of my takeaway notes. Feel free to use them at your leisure.

My notes

Would the following command work to retrieve a list of installed hotfixes from all the computers in the Azure tenant? In short, yes, due to using the -expand option to create into a string.

Get-HotFix -computerName (Get-AzureADDevice | select -expand displayname)

Write a command that uses pipline parameter binding to retrieve a list of running processes from every computer in Azure AD.

Get-AzureADDevice | Select-Object @{l='computername';e={$_.displayname}} | Get-Process

Write a commandd that retrieves a liste of installe services from every computer in Azure AD using a parenthetical command (a command in parenthese).

Get-Service -computerName (Get-AzureADDevice | select -expand displayname)